CBP certification
encompasses the core competencies required by
corporation and utilizes various learning
methodologies to achieve competencies. The
learning programs include workshops, lectures,
computer-based hands-on training, simulations
sessions and video/projector presentations to
maximize assimilation throughout the certification
CBP Learning
Etiquette and Professionalism Series, C40-509 – 2
day course
The CBP™ Business Etiquette and Professionalism
certification module addresses etiquette
challenges when doing business in a multi-cultural
View course outline.
Service Series, C20 507 – 2 day course
The CBP™ Customer Service certification module
provides guidelines for emerging technologies such
as Internet Chat. Additionally, this module uses
various hands-on and interactive scenarios to
develop the foundation customer care skills needed
to provide excellence in service.
View course outline.
Series, C10 506 – 2 day course
The CBP™
Leadership certification module covers all of the
essentials of today’s leaders. This is a hands-on
and interactive module that uses real life
scenarios to develop practical leadership skills.
View course outline.
Series, C30 508 – 2 day course
Strategies for
successful selling – workshop and simulation
The CBP™ Sales
certification reveals the strategies of selling
from initiating the sale to closing the sale and
integrates with the Customer Service Series to
establish repeat customers and sales.
course outline.
Communication C50 510 – 2 day course
The CBP™ Business Communication certification
module explores the study of the process of
communication in the business environment,
allowing us to understand how to make better
choices in our day to day communication.
View course outline.
Management Series, E10 706- 5 day course
Whether you are a business executive or an
information technology professional, the CBP™
Project Management Certification will enable you
to advance your career and develop your
professional skills.
course outline.
CBP Content Development Team has assembled one of
the most comprehensive computer technology course
manuals for business professionals. The CBP™
Computer Technology Specialist Certification is
the result of two years of consultation with
industry leaders, certified instructors, and
business professionals. This certification course
uniquely presents technical computer concepts in a
simple manner that the everyday computer user can
The CBP™ Computer Technology Specialist
Certification equips the business professional
with essential computer technology knowledge and
skills. Computer technology is now fully
integrated into most aspects of living and
business, and as such the business professional
must possess core knowledge of computing in order
to excel.
The CBP™ Computer Technology Specialist
Certification covers a wide range of computer
technologies such as computer architecture,
software applications, networking, Internet
technologies, electronic commerce, computer health
& safety, computer security and law.
View course outline.