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Technical Training Services
Technical Training Services
Project Management
Contract Services
Certified Business Professional
5 Phases of Training Development
- Front End Analysis
- Curriculum Design
- Course Design
- Implementation
- Monitoring & Maintenance


Custom training solutions include creation of new material or working with your existing material using e-Learning and traditional instructor-led training.

Key Benefits of e-Learning :

Instructorless training
Configurable interactivity
Familiar interface
Standard multi-media files
Flexibility for learners to study at their own pace and at their convenience
Adapts well to distance learning

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Capabilities :

HAF creates computer based training by creating "mini web sites" which can be hosted on your company's server for employee intranet access or made more widely available through the internet for external users (web security can be applied as needed). This globally accessable delivery can be an integral part of your company's training delivery. Using their standard browser software (such as Internet Explorer™ or Netscape™), users navigate easily - receiving high quality training with very little assistance or trainer involvement.

e-Learning training applications include: Procedures, Orientation, Safety, Software Development, Standards, Processes, Automation, Operator Training, Maintenance Training

Use Your Materials
   HAF works with you to incorporate existing training materials into an automated training application. This flexible application can be used to train employees at any location.

Development of New Materials
   HAF also designs and develops new training materials in an automated format. New materials can be integrated with existing materials for a highly effective training program.

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